Red Ridge UMC in Dadeville

One of the many aspects I love about my job with Camp ASCCA is the opportunity to speak with a wide range of groups and people. One day I may be speaking with a gym full of teenagers and the next, with business men and women at a civic club. On March 7th, I had the pleasure of meeting with the Ladies Group at Red Ridge United Methodist Church in Dadeville.

I could sense immediately that these ladies were a close knit group and had worked together for a long time to continuously improve their community. Their love and concern for one another was obvious and their laughter was even stronger! Although I was struggling with an annoying cough, they were very patient with me as I spoke. I appreciated their generosity and hope to be able to visit again.

I am available to speak for any club or group interested in Camp ASCCA and my presentations can be tailored to your specific needs. For more information, please email:

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