
The Camp ASCCA family had everything mixed up and backwards on Tuesday…and they sure had fun doing it!

It was Backwards Day. In celebrating that day, campers and staff members wore their hats & t-shirts on backwards. But that wasn’t the only crazy that went on. Campers also discovered that the program and meal order was in reverse. For example, they went to afternoon programs in the morning, which were free choice options. They also ate lunch foods for breakfeast, dinner for lunch, and breakfast for dinner.

The talent show is usually held at night, but campers decided to show off their talents in the afternoon instead. Because of the stormy weather, our friends from the Southeastern Raptor Center joined in on the fun by showing the audience two red-tailed hawks and giving facts about the species.

It continued to rain on Backwards Day, but in true Camp ASCCA fashion, the excitment never ended. After dinner, everyone packed the dining hall and played bingo. And in between breaks, they all stood up and danced around to popular music like Yeah by Usher.

Pictures from Backwards Tuesday are now posted on Camp ASCCA’s Flickr page.

T.J. Gordon
Session 6

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