Easter Seals Camp ASCCA is affiliated with a handful of United Ways in Alabama

Easter Seals Camp ASCCA is affiliated with a handful of United Ways in Alabama. We are proud to be a part of the United Way and work with many caring, giving individuals who want to help community organizations raise money.

The River Region United Way is a “larger” United Way that Camp ASCCA is associated with. Forty-six agencies are affiliated with this United Way and Camp ASCCA is just ONE of the proud agencies.

As you many know, the River Region receives its donations from caring individuals, families, small businesses, and larger companies in the area it serves. In the River Region, it serves Autauga, Lowndes, Montgomery, Elmore, and Macon Counties. Camp ASCCA served 161 individuals with disabilities from this area last year.

When a non-profit organization becomes an affiliate agency of the River Region United Way, at times staff members are asked to present, alongside United Way staff and volunteers, to area businesses what how their employees donations DO make a difference.

Dana Rickman got the chance to go to Auto Owners Insurance Company in Montgomery on October 18th. Representing the United Way was Joseph Vickery who is a “loaned executive” for the United Way and works for Jackson Thornton, Montgomery. Ms. Marsha Casey of Auto Owners Insurance, and one of their two United Way coordinators for the company, introduced both Dana and Joseph. Joseph presented an informative and emotional campaign video highlighting the work of many agencies the United Way supports. Dana Rickman then showed a slide show highlighting some of the AWESOME summer camp photos of our campers!

We know for sure that most, if not all, of the over 40 employees there that day will participate and give to the River Region United Way this year. And we appreciate being invited by Auto Owners Insurance for the chance to share our mission and our very special campers alongside the mission of the United Way, which is to Live United.

“LIVE UNITED is our call to action for the entire community. We believe our communities, working together, can achieve more than any single person or organization could alone. And we are advancing the common good in the River Region by providing ways for people to give, advocate, and volunteer in support of our work.”

Oh, and about the picture… Ms. Casey held a few fun games and raffles for prizes for employees who choose to give to the United Way. Here some of the ladies participated in a fun “Cake Walk!”

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