Rolling Thunder Didn’t Make Us Cry

By Megan Wright
Session 3

Though the thunder came rolling into camp at about the same time as rest period was ending today, the campers were probably a little glad for the extra time. Some went to watch a movie in the dining hall, others played in the game room, and Sports Camp campers played wheelchair basketball in the gym. However, the majority of campers headed over to Abby in Arts & Crafts and kicked up their campaigning efforts for Prom King and Queen.

Candidates and their counselors used paper, cardboard, sticks, glitter, paint, and more to make their signs stick out and hopefully get some votes. With Prom just 2 days away, the campaigns are getting serious and the competiton fierce. Everyone, if they’re campaigning for the titles or not, is excited to see the results and to have an awesome time at the Prom!

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