Rotary Clubs Visit Camp ASCCA

During Camp Mobile Rotary this week, we invited Rotary clubs to join us and see the camp. Camp ASCCA had visitors this morning from different Rotary clubs in south Alabama including Montgomery Sunrise, Montgomery Capital, Brundidge, Jackson, and Dothan. Even the Rotary District Governor Barry Cavan joined us.

The Rotarians toured the camp during the morning and saw our campers having fun on the zip line, the tube, and much more. Our visitors stayed to eat lunch with our campers and staff and to see our campers win ASCCA Achievements for the morning rotations.

Rotary clubs help Camp ASCCA in every way possible. The Mobile Rotary club sponsors every camper this week, and Rotary clubs or individual Rotarians have sponsored campers from other weeks. During the District Conference this spring, money was raised for camperships as well.

The most recent district project for Rotary helping Camp ASCCA was replacing the roof on our Rotary Dining Hall. The Dunn Environmental Center here at camp was sponsored by Rotary as well as renovations to the girls’ cabins restrooms. When visitors stay overnight they sleep in the Rotary-Lions Lodge, and the list of ways Rotary has helped camp keeps going.

One fundraiser that will be happening this winter is our Jingle Jump. A Rotarian or a team of up to four raise money for a campership using a fundraising website provided by camp. All the team must do is jump into the pool during Camp ASCCA’s annual Christmas Weekend. Please contact Dana Rickman at for more information or to sign up.

Another event Rotary sponsors at Camp ASCCA is RYLA for our Rotary District 6880. Each March, high school students are chosen by Rotary clubs in their area to come to Camp ASCCA for a weekend to learn leadership and team building skills. The high school students learn about camp as well, and some, including myself, end up coming back to Camp ASCCA to work for the summer.

Camp ASCCA thanks every Rotary club and every Rotarian for the time and effort they put into helping their community and for any help they give to Camp ASCCA!

Also don’t forget to check our photos and blogs uploaded daily to Instagram, Flickr, and Facebook.

April Garrett, PR Staff
Camp ASCCA Summer 2016
Session 5 Camp Mobile Rotary

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