Rotary Day!

There are many people and organizations that without them we would not be able to have camp. The Rotary Club is one of those and as Camp Director Matt Rickman said at lunch today, “camp wouldn’t be camp without Rotary.”

Today we welcomed Rotarians from all over Alabama and 2 interact club members.

Clubs represented today:

Montgomery Sunrise
We were also happy to welcome District Govenor, Michael Chambers to camp this morning. We are so glad that these clubs and Mr. Chambers got to join us today and be part of all of our many adventures here at camp.

I hope that the Rotarians that joined us today noticed how much fun our campers were having and I hope they never forget the smiles on their faces because the Rotary Club is huge reason why they are smiling. Rotarian clubs and individuals have funded camperships, projects and programs for 39 years.

Our campers and staff cannot thank those who support Camp ASCCA enough for the many thing they do for us. We love being here and couldn’t imagine spending our summers any where else.

Thank You!

As always it is a GREAT day here at camp!
Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015
Rotary Day
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