Round Table at the EEAA

I recently attended the EEAA Round Table meeting held annually that coincides with the annual EEAA Conference. This year it was held at the 4-H Center’s new Environmental Building. I was unable to stay for the entire weekend because we had a group in camp, but I was able to drive up for the Round Table on Thursday. We had a great meeting and discussed many topics that are relevant to our environmental programs.

One such topic we have been discussing is an Environmental Education Certification for informal educators in Alabama. This would provide a training tool and competency measure for environmental education in Alabama. It would also give validity to organizations that host Environmental Education Schools and Camps. We want to make sure that Environmental Educators across the state are able to deliver quality programs to their clientele as well as giving the Educators a chance to improve their resumes by obtaining this certification.

We have gotten in on the ground floor of the planning process for just such a certification and are working on taking it to the next level. We would like to hear some of your ideas.

Would having a certified staff of environmental educators make you more likely to choose one organization over another?

What types of EE certifications would you like to see?

If you saw an EE certification on someones resume, would you be more likely to hire them for and EE job?

Any and all feed back is welcome. We are doing our best to improve environmental education in the state and would love to hear from you.

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