Saying Goodbye to Camp MDA

Camp MDA is rounding the last bend in the track here at Camp ASCCA and the winner is….the campers! Whether the camper won a special award for being great in Arts and Crafts, tried something new, or just made a new friend, everyone is coming home with something from Camp ASCCA. This NASCAR themed week came in hot and is leaving the same way. Even though it was hot outside all week, it didn’t stop the MDA campers from getting outside and having some fun! Thanks for coming, MDA and we’ll see you next year!

We’re also wrapping up new counselor orientation this morning. After team building exercises and being properly trained in camper care all week, our new summer staff is pumped and ready for the summer ahead. We can’t wait to see our campers and enjoy the next few weeks of ASCCA camps!

A great review of the week is to look at all the pictures on our Flickr!

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