Scotty’s Deer

Hunting is challenging activity. Sometimes a hunter can sit for hours and not see a deer. Other times a deer comes through but is too young or too small. But every once in a while, if you’re patient, the perfect opportunity presents itself and you get to take a deer home.

For Scotty, that perfect opportunity came Saturday afternoon.

I didn’t see the deer until after dinner, but everyone was talking about it in the dining hall. Scotty was sitting in his chair, smiling from ear to ear, as one by one campers and guides stopped to say congratulations. After we ate, everyone headed to the barn to get a good look at his prize. Scotty proudly posed with his deer for a brief photo session, then the rest of the campers joined him for a group shot. The next step was to skin and clean the deer. This was quite a graphic process, so I’ll spare you the details. In the end, Scotty was able to take home a large portion of deer meat, as well as a souvenir set of antlers.

Josh Rhodes, Environmental Education Director, recently sat down to discuss the January hunt and the hunting program. In the video below, Josh talks about some of the different activities offered on a hunting weekend, as well as Scotty and his deer. The video can be viewed below and is 6:19 in length and is an 11.0 mb download.

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