We have been counting down the days, the cabins are all decorated and campers are Finally Here!
Camp ASCCA Session 1 started today and we are so happy to have all of our campers here this week! Its going to be an amazing week full of fun in the sun and of course Fourth of July fireworks!
We have had a great first day with free choice activities for the cabins Creek, Cherokee, Crow, Cheaha and Redstick… while the cabins of Davis, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Moundville had a Pool Party! For free choice the campers got to choose between canoeing, hammocks and horseshoes, fishing, sports and games, boat rides and spin art t-shirts.

As ALWAYS it has been a Great day here at Camp ASCCA!
For more pictures from today and pictures of our many adventures this week check out Camp ASCCA’s Flickr.
Sara Shea, PR
Session 1