Today, Camp ASCCA welcomed 62 people to start session one of our 47th year of camp! Campers began to arrive around 2 p.m. to begin the check-in process. From 2-5 p.m., campers dropped off their luggage, bought t-shirts, took pictures, and settled into their cabins. Once campers got comfortable in their cabins, activities like passing a football and side-walk chalk were used to help pass the time before dinner. Staff and campers used this time to get to know each other and make new friends!

After, campers and staff made their way to the dining hall for group photos of campers and counselors. Of course, we had to sing a few camp songs while we waited. After group pictures it was time for dinner and what better way to start off session one than with pizza! Easy to say session one check-in was a success and campers and staff are excited for the best summer!