Session 1 Counselor of the Week

Last week one of the great first year counselors, Gavin, was awarded counselor of the week, and today he answered some questions to give everyone a little more information about himself.
Gavin is a senior at Mississippi State University and a member of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity at his school. Gavin’s involvement with his fraternity is what led him to Camp ASCCA. He actually found out about camp from a past counselor that he worked with at a Push camp who is also a member of Pi Kappa Phi.
Gavin said he wanted to work at Camp ASCCA as a way to work with people with disabilities and impact their lives in a lasting way. So far his favorite part of camp has been bonding with all the campers.
Gavin has a few favorites when it comes to Camp ASCCA, including rifelry, sandwich day and taco day, and the goodnight song.
One of the most important things that Gavin has learned because of camp is that just because a person has a disability doesn’t mean that they don’t want to do everything that those without disabilities want to do.
Congratulations Gavin!
Be sure to look out for a post about the Session 2 counselor of the week, Callie!
Rachel Session 2 2013Last week one of the great first year counselors, Gavin, was awarded counselor of the week, and today he answered some questions to give everyone a little more information about himself.
Gavin is a senior at Mississippi State University and a member of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity at his school. Gavin’s involvement with his fraternity is what led him to Camp ASCCA. He actually found out about camp from a past counselor that he worked with at a Push camp who is also a member of Pi Kappa Phi.
Gavin said he wanted to work at Camp ASCCA as a way to work with people with disabilities and impact their lives in a lasting way. So far his favorite part of camp has been bonding with all the campers.
Gavin has a few favorites when it comes to Camp ASCCA, including rifelry, sandwich day and taco day, and the goodnight song.
One of the most important things that Gavin has learned because of camp is that just because a person has a disability doesn’t mean that they don’t want to do everything that those without disabilities want to do.
Congratulations Gavin!
Be sure to look out for a post about the Session 2 counselor of the week, Callie!
Rachel Session 2 2013

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