Today we finally got to experience some of our daily activities that go on at camp. The activities ranged from a zipline that stretches out over camp all the way to a demo farm that we got to pet fun animals in. Each activity was ran by a program staff member so that way we could get done quickly and have a chance to do the activity again. Not only did they run the activity, but they each explained the rules and regulations so that we could be safe. After they explained the rules each camper got to do their activities and take fun pictures while they were at their respective activity areas. Some of us got to go twice, and some of us even more than twice, overall it was just an enjoyable experience.
As far as land activities went, Camp ASCCA also opened up the pool and decided to use some of their super cool boats for tubing since it was such a hot day. Some of the campers, which were split in groups, decided they were going to go to the pool and some decided to hop on the lake for a fun period of tubing. Overall, each camper had an amazing time at their activities and will be looking forward to them in the future.