This week has called for a lot of rain but that has not stopped our campers from enjoying Camp ASCCA! Activity rotations began at 8:45 a.m., so after breakfast staff and campers made their way down to the zipline. Many campers had been on the zipline before and were excited to go again. Some campers had never been on the zipline and were ready to face their fears and have fun! The weather was perfect as it was sunny and warm making ziplining a great time!

Soon, it was time for lunch. Campers enjoyed yummy tacos, salad, and more! After lunch, campers had their free choice of activity including our LPR zipline over the pond! Excited, campers quickly put on their harness and went down the zipline laughing and smiling.
The rain can’t hold back Camp ASCCA! Campers and staff enjoyed a full day of various activities and the weather felt great!