Yesterday at Camp ASCCA we kicked off Session 2 with our Banana Olympics, (yay!) Each group split up into different teams and was assigned a banana. The goal of this event was to make sure your banana was the sturdiest throughout each trial and obstacle they were put through. Everyone had a really fun time getting to know their new cabin mates and learning new teambuilding skills that will come in to use later, throughout the week. In addition to competing in fun challenges with our new cabin mates, we also got to take fun pictures during the event, and capture the fun that we were having last evening.

After all of the festivities were over, we sang the Goodnight Song, headed back to our cabins and got ready for bed to prepare for the many activities that Camp has planned for us tomorrow. All in all, the Banana Olympics was a great way to bring us together with our new cabin mates and learn more about them in a group setting, and learning new teambuilding qualities .