Session 2: Checking into Camp!

Campers become acquainted with their counselors after getting moved into the cabins.

Welcome to another week of Camp! This week, our campers checked in Sunday afternoon and were absolutely pumped for the week ahead. Despite the intense Alabama heat, our campers prevailed and allowed check-in to go as smoothly as possible.

Our campers and their families showed up to Camp ASCCA around two o’clock in the afternoon. Once they got all of their luggage checked in with our program staff, they headed to the pavilion where they checked into camp.

Our campers and staff are both so excited to see what the rest of the week will bring!

On their way to the pavilion, campers picked up t-shirts and got to snap a picture at our photo booth. Once our campers got their photographs, they were able to receive their cabin and counselor assignments for the week.

This week’s campers showed us a lot of exciting energy for the week. Day one was amazing, so we cannot wait to see what the rest of the week brings!

To see more photos from camper check-in, click here.

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