Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!
(aka Let the Good Times Roll!!)
(aka Let the Good Times Roll!!)
This week our theme is Mardi Gras and we are definitely going to “let the good times roll!” We are so excited that our Session 2 campers are Finally HOME! We are going to have an amazing week full of fun, adventure, friends (old & new) and Mardi Gras Celbrations!
It is going to be the BEST WEEK EVER!
The fun has already started… tonight the cabins of Davis, Cheaha, Chickasaw & Moundville had a great time at the POOL PARTY while the cabins of Creek, Cherokee, Choctaw, Crow & Redstick raced against the clock during Minute to Win It games.

It has been a blast playing with all of our friends, but now it is time to say Goodnight so that we can rest up for a first full day of camp tomorrow!
As Always it has been a Great day here at Camp ASCCA!
Goodnight Camp ASCCA Family!
Goodnight Camp ASCCA Family!
Don’t miss any of the fun this week, follow us on Flickr, Instagram(@campascca), Facebook and YouTube.
Sara Shea, PR
Session 2
Mardi Gras