Session 2: POOL PARTY

Yesterday at Camp ASCCA we had a camp wide Pool party!! (woo!!) It was great because it was a particularly hot at camp. It wasn’t your average pool party today at Camp….. it was a Christmas pool party. Camp laid about Christmas decorations by the pool so that they could give us that Christmas vibe . Everyone was laughing and playing in the pool with their friends that they saw at breakfast that morning. While at the pool, the lifeguards gave us fun toys to play with to make sure we all had fun and enjoy the time that we had.

Overall, the pool party was a great way to cool off since it was so hot and an amazing way to start the morning since it brought everybody together and celebrated the theme of the whole week very well. After everyone got out of the pool, we dried off, got in clean clothes and headed to the dining hall where we could eat a delicious lunch. The best part of the day was knowing that we still had to opportunity to look forward to doing more activities throughout the day.

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