Session 3: Terrific Tuesday

It was day 2 at Camp ASCCA, and we were all excited to participate in the second day of activities that Camp had planned for us. Since it was Tuesday, most of us were scheduled to do different activities than we did on Monday just to make sure that we could get the full experience of Camp. After we ate a hearty breakfast that chef John Dollar made us, we all met up at the gym to officially start the day. For the morning session, some groups got to go to the Back4T to hang out and play fun games. Now you might be asking: “What is the Back4T?” Well the Back4T is a big horse barn that is converted into a game that has this big stage where everyone can hang out and play games at, it is most definitely a great experience .  Other groups, for their morning session got to go to the Arts & Crafts building to make sun American flag themed art synonymous to the theme of Camp this week. To end off the morning sessions, some groups got to go tubing out on the lake to cool off on a hot day. After Moring activities were finished we all came back and ate lunch followed by a rest period that would help us recharge our batteries to get ready for the rest of the day.

The second half of the day was included by a jam-packed afternoon that consisted of free choice activities that we signed up for at lunch and a evening camp-wide talent show.  Before we even started the free choice activities, we all had a healthy snack in the gym to refuel us with energy Some groups for their activity got to cool off at a miniature waterpark here at camp that we call the “Splash Pad” so that they would get too hot in the blazing heat. While that was going on, some chose to practice their performance for the talent show at the OutPost at camp. Finally, some groups chose to play a fun game of Bingo in the basement of Lions Lodge. All in all it was another fun day here at Camp ASCCA and we are looking forward to tomorrow’s activities.      

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