Session 3 We Are Ready For You!

The first day of Session 3 kicked off today as campers started rolling in for check in! We are so excited about this week because it’s teen week! This week is always one of our most fun and loudest weeks of the whole summer.

As campers began to unload their luggage from the cars they were all eager to learn what cabin and who their counselor was going to be this week. After unloading the luggage campers made their way to the dining hall to officially check in.

After checking in at the dining hall campers made their way to the cabins to meet their counselor and all of their new friends in the cabin. We are so excited that teen week is here, we can’t wait to see how the rest of the week goes!

To see more pictures from today click here. Make sure to follow along with us this summer to see all the fun that Camp ASCCA has in store.

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