Session 4: Back and Better Than Ever!

Here we are for another week of fun at Camp ASCCA! Our campers showed up full of excitement when they checked into Camp Sunday afternoon. Reuniting with old friends, meeting new people, and trying new activities are some of the amazing things we have planned for this week!

We have lots of fun props to make our photos interesting!
Campers and their counselors go canoeing on Lake Martin to kick Session 4 off.

Once campers got their luggage checked in, they made their way to the t-shirt booth where they picked up some of our awesome Camp ASCCA t-shirts and other fun items. Some campers and their families took pictures at our Camp ASCCA photo booth where we have lots of fun props to create memorable Camp pictures.

After campers got settled into their cabins, we made our way to the dining hall where we enjoyed our weekly pizza night. This week, campers got to choose what they wanted the rest of their evening to look like. Campers had the choice between swimming at the pool, canoeing in the lake, singing karaoke, and more.

Our campers kicked off Session 4 with a bang, and we cannot wait to have more fun throughout the week!

To see more pictures of camper check-in, click here.

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