Session 4 Mid-Week

Session 4 is almost over, but there is still plenty of fun to have at Camp ASCCA.

Today the weather was on camp’s side and stayed nice right up until rest period. The rain continued for most of rest period but let up just in time for afternoon free choice activities. Everyone woke up from their naps and were greeted with sunny skies.

Sickle Cell campers got to experience the Zip Tower for free choice, while all the other campers were given options ranging from the waterslide to skeet shooting.

Camp ASCCA also had visitors arrive today to stay until Friday. Some Pi Kappa Phi brothers on the Journey of Hope will be participating with campers and counselors for the rest of the week as they make their way to Washington D.C. More information on their trip will be up tomorrow!

Be sure to check Facebook for more updates and Flickr for pictures of all of today’s activities.

Rachel Session 4 2013

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