Session 5 Counselor of the Week

Last week’s counselor of the week was a girl who embodies everything that a good counselor should be. Lauren Cunningham is a fun and caring person who is always smiling and playing with her campers.

Lauren is working at Camp ASCCA for the first time this summer after finding out about it through a similar camp she worked at. She is about to start her senior year at South Alabama and is majoring in secondary special education.

Lauren wanted to come to Camp ASCCA to work because she thought it would be a useful experience with her major and she has obviously made the most of it by putting her all into the job.

Chicken fajitas and tubing are pretty high up there on Lauren’s list of favorite things at camp, she said. Although it’s hard to pick one thing that she’s learned from working at camp Lauren says the most important thing is how to maintain patience.

Good job Lauren and thank you for everything you’ve done this summer!

To see more pictures of Lauren and all the other counselors or to check out what kind of activities they’ve been participating in with campers check Flickr and Facebook!

Rachel Session 6 2013

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