Session 5 Is Here

It’s a brand new week here at Camp ASCCA and everyone is super excited! This week we have Mobile Rotary here and it’s a great group of campers!!

Some of the staff got to take an overnight trip down to Mobile and pick up the campers. They left yesterday afternoon and enjoyed a night with each other and were all anxious to pick up the campers this morning. The staff did normal check-in in Mobile and then loaded the buses to head back to camp.

After all the campers arrived safe from the long trip they all headed to the cabin to meet their counselor and get settled in for a fun week! It’s Sunday night so that means pool party!!! For tonight’s evening program the campers got to enjoy a pool party and the game of Clue that was Toy Story themed. They went around to different characters out of the move Toy Story and had to figure out who took one of the toys. All of the campers enjoyed it and tomorrow night the cabins that did Clue will get to enjoy a pool party and vice versa. Oh and for those of you who don’t know our theme for the whole week is Disney! 🙂

Everyone at camp is super excited about this week and cannot wait to see what is in store for them! This is going to be an awesome week here at ASCCA!

Make sure you check back everyday to stay updated on what the campers are getting to do everyday and check out the pictures too! 🙂

-Abby Brown
Session 5

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