On Tuesday evening of Session 5 we had our weekly Talent Show! Campers and staff from every cabin
gathered together and had the chance to display their talents in front of the best audience in the world.
Today’s show was a little a different because instead of having it outside at the OutPost like we usually
do, we had it in the dining hall because of the rainy weather. This did not affect anyone’s mood,
however. Because everyone cheered, laughed, sang, and had a great time with each other. The first acts
were mainly group acts that a few cabins created and practiced during the earlier free-choice activity

You could tell each group was really excited for their turn to shine because they had a lot of
passion behind their productions. After the group acts were over, the individual performances had
somewhat of a dance aspect to them. Each camper who came up to the stage performing a solo act
made sure that they had an accompanying dance routine as well. This went over VERY well with the
crowd. They responded with lots of energy by dancing, singing, and even joining some of the acts on
stage! At the end of the talent show, everyone got to sing and say good night by joining hands in a circle
and crooning the beloved Camp ASCCA “Goodnight Song.”

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