Every week Camp ASCCA holds a special awards ceremony every Thursday night after dinner. These awards range from best program staff of the week, best camper of the week, and best cabin of the week. All week long each cabin competes for “Cabin of the Week” through different chants, decorations, and activities. Everyone has a great time competing with friends to win the “Cabin of the Week” award!
There are seven cabins that participate each week. The girls cabins include Creek, Chickasaw, Moundville, and Cherokee. The boys cabins include Crow and Choctaw. The final cabin to participate is Davis Lodge or “Lodge” which is a boys and girls cabin. Each cabin has their own chants they sing throughout the day to boost camp spirit. Another fun activity cabins take part in is decorating. Each cabin has its own theme and is decorated accordingly. Counselors will also decorate the gym and dining hall with posters and ribbons. Some cabins have even given themselves nicknames like “The Crow Bros” for the Crow cabin. All week long campers and staff participate in activities that are fun for everyone!

On Thursdays when the award is announced, no matter which cabin wins, everyone goes crazy cheering and clapping. The honorary cabin gets their pictures taken with a canoe paddle painted specifically for them and each camper gets a certificate. Not only has the awards been a fun way to be competitive, but it has shown to be a great way to make new friends with the people in each cabin!