Session 6 has Arrived!

Summer is flying by so fast…

Session 6 has officially started. We are so excited to finally have our campers here and to have a few returning staff from last summer join us this week!

We have had so much fun already.Tonight half of the camp went to the POOL PARTY and the other half played a few intense rounds of B-I-N-G-O!! (everyone loves to yell BINGO)

It has been a great first night and we are looking forward to a great week here at Camp ASCCA.

This week we are going on a grand adventure that is going to take us a little further than Jackson Gap, Alabama. Camp ASCCA is traveling the world and we can’t wait to see what the world has to offer us.Each day we will be traveling to a different country and getting to experience a little about the different cultures of the world.

I know you all are sad that you are at home while we are having the adventure of a lifetime, but no worries we will keep you posted of all the many places we visit and the many adventures we take as we travel this week. Just check out our daily Travel Blogs and the many pictures we will be posting on Flickr.

As always it has been a GREAT day here at Camp ASCCA! We are all exhausted from all of the fun we are having so we must say goodnight so that we will be rested for all the new adventures we will be having tomorrow.


Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015
Session 6
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