It’s hard to believe that Summer 2023 is coming to an end. We waited so long for it to arrive, and in the blink of an eye it’s over.
We ended Session 7 in the most unforgettable way, a blackout dance! After dinner campers and staff went to the basement of Lions Lodge for what was sure to be the best dance of 2023. Our staff spent the afternoon decorating with blackout curtains, glowsticks, lights, and more.

Everyone dressed up in either black or neon colors and made sure to complete their outfit with glowstick bracelets and necklaces. From the time the music started to well after it ended our campers and staff danced and soaked up our last full day of Camp.

As sad as we are to see this summer end, we know that we created lasting memories and ended on the best note. This summer will forever live in our hearts.
To view more pictures from Session 7, click here.