Session 7: Movie Madness


Session 7 is in full swing and we are already having a blast! Thank you Moms, Dads, Friends and Sponsors for allowing our campers to spend the week with us at Camp ASCCA!

We are going to have an amazing week of camp and enjoy our favorite movies with this weeks theme Movie Madness.

“I figure life’s a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it. You don’t know what hand you’re gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you… to make each day count.”
– Titanic (1997) –

I love movies because they have the power to change us and to teach us. Some of the most motivational moments in life can be found on the big screen.

We use quotes from our favortie movies to make us laugh or to give us the strength and courage to keep going during rough times in life. Movies are magical and this week we are bringing that “movie magic” to Camp ASCCA.

We are going to live each day to the fullest and it is going to be the best week EVER!

Dont forget to check out Flickr page for pictures and read our blogs about all our many adventues this week!

-Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015
Session 7
Movie Madness

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