Session Four Brings Out the Talent

With session three ending on Friday, and session four starting up yesterday, it was a quick turn around for everyone at Camp. Sunday is our favorite day here at Camp ASCCA, because we get to see all the new faces that will be spending a week with us. Yesterday was a little different than our usual Sunday here at Camp, it was talent show day.

Every week Camp ASCCA host a talent show which allows our campers to show off their talent to everyone here at Camp, but last night’s was a little different. Our talent shows consist of a lot of different acts because every camper gets the chance to perform, so instead of one night of talent shows, it is now two nights of talent. One group will be at the talent show, while the other group is enjoying the pool party.

Last night, I got lucky and got to go to the talent show to see everyone there perform. All the campers who participated were awesome and I heard a lot of familiar songs. For those campers who did not want to go on stage they still had a blast while singing and dancing along in the audience with the councilors and their camp friends. Who can forget the shaved ice? While everyone was gifted in listening to all the different performers, our program staff here at Camp served us shaved ice, and who does not love shaved ice. Last night was a great start to session four, and I can not wait to see what today brings us.

Be sure to check out our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for news about session four and do not forget to visit our Flickr page for pictures from throughout the week.

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