Session Three Is In Full Swing!

In awe of how fast time flies, how can it already be session three? The last couple of weeks have absolutely flown by, but we are beyond excited for this week, and all the fun that is in store. Check-in went smoothly, as campers and counselors could not wait to meet each other or reunite with their camp friends. We are thrilled to have this awesome group here. We have an exciting line up to make this week unforgettable.

We kicked off the fun Sunday night with a pool party and a few free choice activities. As the week goes on groups will rotate through activities such as tubing, ziplining, the pool, archery, nature, and so much more. On Wednesday we are pumped to welcome Taylor Hunnicutt for a live concert. We can not wait to sing and dance along to her music. Then, Thursday night we are keeping up the dancing with our ‘Party in The USA’ themed dance, followed by an exciting fireworks show to celebrate The Fourth of July. We could not be happier to share all moments to come with such amazing people. Here’s to an incredible week ahead, a week filled with laughter, music, and celebration. Stay tuned for more updates on all of our exciting adventures!

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