Session TWO, Day ONE!

Welcome back to Camp ASCCA for Session #2! Everyone is so excited to be here! A line of campers and their families formed outside of the dining hall as Camp Director Matt Rickman had his weekly opening meeting with counselors, counselors in training (CITs) and program staff. Once the meeting was over, the Camp ASCCA staff went to their designated positions and got ready to start the week!

Families and campers began pouring onto Camp ASCCA property quickly. Families parked in front of the main office and made their way to the dining hall. Along the way they were greeted by Public Relations Interns Karla Silva and Jasmine Reed at the Camp ASCCA store and photo booth! Families browsed as campers took their first photograph of the week to show the excitement previous to all of the fun things they’re going to experience this week.

The photo booth was created by the public relations staff and is new to Camp ASCCA this year! It was a hit with campers last week and proved to be a hit again this week! Campers can choose from emoji, mustache, or camp quote cut-outs to include in their photograph! The video below is a time-lapse of the PR staff working on the backdrop of the photo booth.

The families checked their campers in, made sure to give all medicine to the nurses, checked to make sure that all campers were in good health, and double-checked their campers were prepared for the week ahead of them! Families were greated by CITs and taken to the camper’s counselor. Campers experienced bittersweet moments as they were pumped to meet their new best friend but sad to say good-bye to their families for the week.

Families said their good-byes and made their way to the parking lot to head back home! After all campers officially arrived…. SESSION #2 BEGAN! Check out our Flickr album to keep up with all of the exciting things going on at Camp ASCCA this week and the rest of the summer!

Karla Silva, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Session 2

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