She Shoots, She Scores

Meet Leah Tingle, our 2017 Shooting Sports Director. Similar to most of the people on our 2017 Program Staff, Leah served as a Camp Counselor last year, but this year she was interested to see what Program Staff life was like. “When you’re a counselor, all you have to do is wake up and get yourself ready along with your campers and go, and all the programs are ready, ” she said. “I didn’t realize how much background it took to get camp set up…I don’t think people realize how much work we do behind the scenes.”

At about 6:30 every morning, Leah wakes up, gets dressed and heads to the farm for morning clean-up with the rest of the Farm Staff. It’s a team effort as everyone helps out with feeding the animals, cleaning their cages, and cleaning the rest of the barn to prepare it for the day’s activities.

Leah pushing a broom cleaning the barn

Depending on what activities she’s running that day, Leah will then either head to Archery to set out bows and arrows, or Riflery to make sure all rifles work and all the targets are in place. Since different camps will have different themes, Leah’s looking forward to incorporating those themes into the activities through target decorations and so forth.

Leah’s no stranger to shooting sports as it’s something she and her family do often. “We go and do ‘friendly shooting’ all the time, so that’s how I’ve learned a lot of the things that I know,” she said. We have no doubt that she’ll shoot and score the hearts of all our campers with all the fun ideas she has planned.

Leah sitting down, setting up the skeet target

Though there’s a lot of work that goes into being on Program Staff, there’s nothing like seeing the smiles on campers’ faces as they participate in the different activities. We always aim to ensure every camper has the best summer of their life and we have amazing Program Staff members like Leah, who help us do just that.

Keep up with Leah and the rest of our 2017 Program Staff on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, and right here on our website!

Leah petting one of our donkies

Jasmine Reed, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Meet the Program Staff

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