Shooting Sports Safety and Transfers!

Old and new comers are still enjoying Camp ASCCA’s 2017 Staff Orientation! As we close in on day three of orientation, we have learned how to properly transfer from different spots around camp and the importance of safety at different programs. Other than singing camp songs on the people mover, today, counselors and program staff learned or were refreshed on the rules associated with shooting sports and how to properly transfer campers to and from canoes and horses.

Shooting Sports
Shooting game rules must be obeyed at all times to ensure the safety of the campers, counselors, and program staff. All must remain outside of the shooting area until permission is granted. The restricted area is marked by a white line. Staff members were taught how to assist their campers just in case their help is needed. They learned how to safely place a bow and arrow and pelet into the gun. Program staff members repeatedly covered the importance of making sure the area was clear of people before shooting a bow and arrow or a pelet from a gun so that all accidents could be avoided. Counselors were able to try out the equipment that campers will be using beginning next week!

Counselor Shooting SportsCamp Counselor Shooting Sports
Canoeing is one of the campers’ favorite activities so the transitions must be smooth so that campers can be as comfortable as possible while they have fun! Counselors were taught how to properly transfer campers to and from canoes and were then given the opportunity to practice transfering each other! Counselors became comfortable with the transition of land to water and back.
Counselors transitioning into canoesCounselors transitioning to canoe
Horseback Riding
The equestrian program at Camp ASCCA focuses on the safety and comfort of the campers, counselors, program staff, and its horses. Before any session, the equestrian staff will give campers and counselors a brief review of the rules around the horses’ area. This will be a refresher of the rules that the counselors learned today during orientation. Counselors must always be attentive to their camper or campers they are responsible for during this time. No campers should be running near the horses or doing anything that could startle them. Counselors will be walking beside the horse while holding on to the camper. Counselors were taught the techniques associated with transferring campers to and from horses. Counselors practiced this multiple times with different partners in order to feel comfortable for the upcoming weeks.
Transferring Onto HorseHorseback riding
Safety and the knowledge of effective transfers are two of the most important things at camp! Prioritizing safety will allow us to have the most possible fun with the least amount of injuries. Smooth transfers will allow campers to be comfortable and focus on enjoying the activities. Be sure to continuously check the Camp ASCCA website for more blogs about how counselors and program staff are preparing so that they can give campers the best summer yet! Also, make your way to our Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily new content!

Camp ASCCA 2017
Karla Silva, PR

Staff Orientation
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