Singing in the Rain

by Megan Wright
Session Two

Every camper knows about, and looks forward to, the talent show every Tuesday night and this week was no exception. Though this anticipation is a constant, lately the location of the talent show has been less than constant. Last week the talent show was held in the dining hall, and this week it was held in the chapel. Why all the moving? We’re renovating the space where we normally have it, the basement of Lions Rotary Lodge, so we have to get as creative as our campers when it comes to finding a stage for them. The chapel proved a good option last night as over 20 campers rocked the stage with either songs or dances- many of which were dedicated to a special someone. Everyone had a great time whether they performed or just watched, and are surely starting to think about the show next year!

Make sure to take a look at our photos!

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