“So Far, So Good!”

We conclude our Adventure Program Staff spotlights with Jared Montague. Some of you may recognize Jared from a video we did earlier this summer, discussing what it’s like being on Program Staff. In case you missed it, he is from Charlotte, North Carolina and this is his first ASCCA summer! He heard about Camp from his uncle who was also a part of our Program Staff years ago.

Since the video, we’ve had several visiting camps come through, which has given Jared the chance to get in tons of practice before ASCCA sessions start. “So far, so good!” he said. “I think I’m a lot more confident than I was before and feel more comfortable with everything I have to do.” The major Adventure Program activity campers got to participate in was the Zip Line. Some things Jared go to do included putting safety equipment on campers, catching them at the platform to safely detach them from the zip line and more!

Jared with other program staff

The visiting camps have also helped him get out of his shell a bit more. “It was really nice meeting new people,” Jared said. “It’s definitely made me more comfortable with meeting strangers and I feel really prepared for when ASCCA sessions start.” We have a lot of new campers coming this year and we can’t wait to make them feel right at home!

Along with meeting new people, Jared says he’s also grown a lot closer to other members on the Program Staff. “Which is good because we’ll be working with each other a lot this summer,” he said. Not only have they been working together since the summer started, but they’ve also lived together. Spending so much time together has allowed everyone to get to know each other a lot better and form new relationships.

jared sitting down

A little known fact about Jared is that he’s a very talented piano player. Some of us actually got to hear his skills during training week at The Outpost. Throughout the summer he will get the chance to lead a few music activities, so we’re really excited for campers to experience that!

Check out the video below from Jared’s first week on Program Staff and keep up with him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, and right here on our website!

Jasmine Reed,PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Meet the Program Staff

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