So Long, Farewell

Another amazing summer at Camp ASCCA has come to an end. I always have a good time at ASCCA, but this summer was something special.

It’s mindblowing to see the improvement in my videos this summer. After only one year of film school, I was excited to bring the techniques I’ve learned and incorporate them into my ASCCA videos. Being able to work exclusively on videos led to me being able to perfect each one. And with that came the greatest batch of videos I’ve yet to produce. I made a total of 24 videos this summer, and I’m proud of every one of them. Particularly my “This Is Home” short documentary. That was a video I’ve wanted to make since my first summer working here, and I’m so pleased with how it turned out.

What makes me keep coming back to camp are the people. The staff and campers here at ASCCA are just amazing. It’s been amazing watching the staff grow this summer. Seeing them go from complete strangers at orientation, to becoming a family by the end of the summer is extraordinary. The campers are also equally amazing. So many lovable, kind, and fun campers that came here. Makes whatever hardships we may face all worth it. Camp ASCCA is home to some of the greatest people you’ll ever meet.

Thank you to all of my friends (new and old) here at ASCCA for making me feel welcome. Thank you to my fellow PR staff members for your teamwork and friendship. And thank you everyone else for following my work this summer. It’s been an honor to work here yet again.

Catch up on my ASCCA videos by checking out Camp ASCCA’s YouTube channel.

If you’re interested in my non-ASCCA work, please visit my Vimeo page.

Clayton Smith, PR
Camp ASCCA 2016

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