So Long Summer 2024

In the blink of an eye, our 48th summer at Camp ASCCA has come to a close. Summer 2024 will go down as one of our best years yet. We were thrilled to welcome hundreds of campers and many new staff members to ASCCA this year.

Each year, we prepare for our summer season months in advance, and this year was no exception. As we look back on our time together, it feels as though the summer ended just as soon as it began.

Our campgrounds were alive with laughter, joyful memories, and incredible people every day. We couldn’t have asked for a better summer. We were joined by many familiar faces, both campers and staff, and were delighted to welcome so many new ones.

Sharing Camp ASCCA and its mission with campers, families, and staff is something we cherish deeply. We’re a bit biased, but we believe that no one else does it quite like ASCCA.

Our staff showed up day in and day out, ready to give their best and provide our campers with an unforgettable experience. We are immensely proud of the team chosen to serve our campers, whom we love so dearly.

From Session 1 to our Bonus Session and all the moments in between, this was truly a year to remember. Our campers, staff, volunteers, and donors made this summer possible, and we are grateful for your support. Without you, our efforts would fall short.

We deeply appreciate everyone who supports Camp ASCCA and helps us continue our mission of serving those with disabilities. Every day spent at ASCCA is a day well spent.

Summer 2024, you will forever live in our hearts. We love you! It’s not a goodbye, but a see you soon.

To view more pictures from this summer, click here.

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