Campers arrived for Mobile Rotary Week with hig energy, ready to get night one started. While some campers went to a pool party, others from Moundville, Creek, and Cheaha cabins made soul stones and time capsules.
We normally do the soul stones activity with our friends from Girl Scout Troop 7282. They weren’t here last night so we gave it our best shot without them! Campers and counselors began by walking around to find the perfect “soul stones.” Then they came back in the dining hall, where they began to paint and decorate the stones to their liking. Some painted the logo/letters of their favorite sports teams while others felt polka dots and flowers would suffice!

Since we’ve started doing the soul stones activity, a dance party has always broken out and tonight was no different. While members of the program staff placed the soul stones outside to dry, a dance party ensued. Almost everyone was up on their feet jamming to oldie goldies and today’s top hits. After all the dancing machines tired out, it was time to move on to time capsules!
Everyone retuned to their tables with sheets of construction paper, upon which they wrote special notes or drew pictures. These special messages and pictures were placed into the time capsule, along with the cabin pictures everyone took before evening activities began. Similar to the soul stones activity, the time capsule one is just a really cool way for campers to return to camp years later and look back on the fun memories of this summer!

Night one was full of so much fun and we can’t wait to unpack more throughout the week. To keep up with all the Session 5 excitement, follow us on Flickr,Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and right here on our website!
Jasmine Reed, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Session 5