Southeastern Raptor Center Visits Camp ASCCA

On Tuesday afternoon, three people from the Southeastern Raptor Center (SRC) visited Camp ASCCA and showcased a raptor viewing & release for enthusiatic campers on the sports field. The audience watched as the SRC representatives realeased a cotton-tailed hawk and barn owl into the wilderness. In addition to the raptor release, campers looked at two hawks (in under SRC’s care). They posed for pictures with them afterwards.

Founded in the mid-1970s, volunteers in the center take care of injured, ill, or orphaned birds-of-prey, and then release them back into the wild. The organization also makes educational presentations to schools, civic groups and churches in Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee and Kentucky.

Below is a video of the raptor presentation, made by PR staff member Clayton. Watch and see how much fun campers had with seeing birds-of-prey. The video is also on Youtube.

The Southeastern Raptor Center returns to Camp ASCCA next Wednesday for another showcase of their birds. In the meantime, the PR staff took plenty of pictures of the event. Check them out on Camp ASCCA’s Flickr page.

T.J. Gordon and Clayton Smith
Session 5

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