Sport’s Camp does SCUBA!

This morning Sport’s Camp participants got to experience SCUBA diving with Mr. Tom Mann of Adventure Sports II in Montgomery! Tom came out today with SCUBA gear and a wealth of experience and information to share with our campers. After a period of instruction, Sport’s Camp athletes were suited up with a tank and goggles and prepared to take their first dive. The camper’s did an outstanding job in this underwater adventure!

Tom Mann serves as a Camp ASCCA board member and was first asked to provide SCUBA instruction for Sport’s Camp an amazing 25 years ago! We wish to extend a sincere thank you to Tom for his service, expertise, and passion for both his trade and our campers.

Find more photos from today’s SCUBA lesson on our Flickr.

Over and Out!

Lauren Schifano, PR
Session 3: 2015

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