This past week we were joined by fifth graders from St. James School for their annual Environmental Science Camp. They arrived Tuesday morning eager to start the week. Campers and their parents headed to their cabins to get settled before we started the week with orientation.
After orientation campers had lunch and then split into their groups for afternoon activities. Groups went to teambuilding and canoeing on Lake Martin. Campers ended their day with a scavenger hunt and a party at the BcK4T.
Wednesday, campers were split into four groups. The groups participated in kickball, forestry, ziptower, and living streams. It was a day full of educational, but fun activities that everyone enjoyed. After the activities, we ended the day with karaoke at the OutPost and a campfire with s’mores.
Thursday morning was a dreary day, but it didn’t stop the fun. Before campers left, we had time for free play in the gym, game room, and jumping on the bungee trampoline.
St. James visits Camp ASCCA every year and is always so much fun. We are already looking forward to next year.