Yes, they excitedly came and hesitantly went. “They” being the 5th graders from Saint James School in Montgomery, Alabama. This annual overnight science camp is a regular on Camp ASCCA’s calendar and is happily anticipated by all!
107 students, teachers, and parent volunteers converged on Camp ASCCA April 11-13, 2012 for three days of science, learning fun, and just plain ol’ fun.
The students were broken out into 7 groups and participated in:
Step Outside & Fish (by Doug Darr, Alabama Wildlife & Freshwater Fisheries)
The Oscar C. Dunn Rotary Environmental Center
Wildlife Walk
Group Elements
Living Streams (by Lake Watch, Lake Martin)
Zip Tower
A special thank you goes out to all of the science teachers and parents at Saint James and to the Elementary School Principal, Mr. Jim Terry. We thank you for returning every year and making this science camp a tradition at Camp ASCCA.
To see pictures from the science camp, visit the set on Camp ASCCA’s Flickr page here.