St. James Science Camp 2013

They’re baaaaaaaack!!!! Yes, the 5th grades from St. James School in Montgomery, AL are enjoying a 3-day environmental science camp at Easter Seals Camp ASCCA. This is an annual trip for the school that most incoming 5th graders look forward to.

Rain is arriving tonight at Camp ASCCA, but we’ve managed to fit in all but one “activity periods”, but that one should be fine for tomorrow morning as scheduled.

Activities have included the Step Out & Fish program, Zip Tower, Living Streams program, the Oscar C. Dunn Rotary Environmental Center, Forestry study, group elements, and canoeing!

To see a few pictures of the activities, vist Camp ASCCA’s Flickr page here.

For more information about environmental camps for schools, please contact Lyle Coutts at

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