St. James Science Camp Thank You Videos are COOL!

The St. James School from Montgomery, Alabama annually brings their 5th graders to Camp ASCCA for a three-day science camp. This year’s camp was held March 31-April 2, 2015.

Programs that were provided included the zip tower, canoeing, environmental education at the Dunn Center, forestry, group elements, fishing and the Living Streams program. Doug Darr with the Wildlife & Freshwater Fisheries Division of the ADCNR ran the fishing program and Dick Bronson and other members of the Lake Martin Lake Watch conducted the Living Streams program.

You can visit our Flickr album and view photos of the science camp here.

Also take a few minutes to view the video below! Clare Simon, Elementary Counselor, sent us a few sample videos the students made thanking the school and Camp ASCCA for the experience they had. It’s really cool!

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