As we approach our 47th year, Camp ASCCA welcomed our Summer 2023 Counselors on Tuesday, June 13th. Several counselors from previous summers have returned to Camp along with some new faces who are ready to kick off summer 2023.
Throughout the week, counselors met with Camp Director Matt Rickman to learn about Camp procedures, various disabilities and disorders, and what to do in the event of an emergency. Despite the turbulent weather, counselors were able to get to know each other in team-building settings while also practicing hands-on methods of harnessing, transferring non-ambulatory campers, and more.

Our Summer 2023 counselors have already brought the fun even while training; when practicing how to transfer our friends in wheelchairs in and out of the pool, our counselors ended up having a small pool party of their own!
On Thursday, counselors wrapped up their training in the Dunn Center with Mr. Rickman and Abbey Murray, our Camp Nurse. Counselors were able to practice their transferring skills at the waterslide and tubing. At the end of the day, our counselors finally received their long-awaited camper assignments for Session 1. To conclude orientation, counselors were able to celebrate by eating dinner and playing games at the BcK4T!

We are SO thrilled to kick off Summer 2023 at Camp ASCCA! Our counselors have worked hard to become well-equipped for the best summer ever!
To view more pictures of Staff Orientation, click here.