Staff Orientation Week 2015

We are 3 days away!

Session 1 campers start arriving Sunday afternoon and we cannot wait for them to get here. Our summer staff have been working hard and continues to work hard this week so that they are all prepared to make this the BEST SUMMER EVER for our campers here at Camp ASCCA.

Today our staff have been working more on the skills needed so that they and their campers can have a fun, but safe week at camp.

This morning was spent learning certain techniques used while assisting campers with getting dressed and eating. Camp director, Matt Rickman always reminds us that we will never be able to completely understand what it is like to be in our campers shoes. Dressing and feeding ourselves are just a couple of things that we do daily that are taken for granted and most of us have never thought twice about not being able to do them on our own. Training sessions like these are an eye opening experience and it is very humbling for our staff, especially for our first year staff members.

It has been a long, yet rewarding day here at Camp ASCCA and I hope that you are all as excited as we are to start camp next week!

Check out our Flickr for more pictures of Staff Orientation and get ready to see how much fun we are having here at Camp ASCCA this summer as we start into Session 1 next Sunday!

-Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015
Staff Orientation

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