Staff Orientation Week is Underway: Safety First

As part of staff orientation, this morning, our counselors were greeted by an Air Evac team and their LifeSaver helicopter to demonstrate the process of evacuation during any emergency that may arise throughout the summer at ASCCA.

Counselors were educated in procedure through a presentation, question and answer session, and a tour or the helicopter, along with a live demonstration using staff participation. Camp is so thankful to have the avenues necessary to take precautions and ready our staff to provide complete care for our campers!

The Air Evac presentation was just one of the many activities the counselors will be involved in this week as they train and prepare for summer camps to begin on Sunday. So far they’ve covered CPR and first aid training, along with health essentials and the basics of camper care.
There’s more training to come so stay tuned to learn more about your counselors as they ready for the 2010 summer!

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