Star Spangled ASCCA

By Megan Wright
Session 6

Wednesday night was Movie Night! As I mentioned earlier this week, each cabin made a movie and entered into the 2012 Film Fest. This festival wasn’t a competition, but it gave the campers an opportunity to see themselves and their friends on the big screen!

Most cabins did a recreation or slightly altered version of a pre-existing movie. Moundville did a play on 101 Dalmatians, Cheaha did a camp version of Titanic, and Davis Lodge used their mixed sex advantage to recreate Sweet Home Alabama. Each cabin worked hard to come up with their idea and the full time staff worked tirelessly to edit them and get them ready to view.

On Wednesday night, the campers had a star’s reception as photographers and crazed fans met them on the red carpet to the first screening. Energy was high and our campers were looking sharp as they prepared to make their debut in the Dunn Center.

Unfortunately, due to technical problems, the movies didn’t all play correctly. But not to worry! Campers got to enjoy the films on Thursday morning at breakfast. Each film was awesome and super fun to watch. We hope the campers had just as much fun making them as we did watching them!

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