Star Wars

Today has been a hot day here at camp but that didn’t slow us down. Activites were in high speed today as session 2 is starting to close to an end.

Tonight the campers got to participate in a camp favorite, star wars. All the campers were split up into groups according to cabins and were set out on a mission. They were sent to10 different stations to complete task and earn tokens. While they were on the mission they ran into characters you can find in the movie star wars. Some could help them in the task and some they wanted to avoid like “Darth Vader”. If groups did run into darth vader they were to gather up into a circle and that would run darth vader off. Once everyone had completed all the stations, everyone gathered into the pavilion and waited to find out if they had defeated the evil villains. They won! Everyone completed the task and defeated the villains and saved camp!

All the campers are now back in the cabins getting ready for bed and rested up for another hot day tomorrow!

-Abby Brown
Session 2

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